Thursday, August 1, 2013

General Knowledge

* Paleontology is the science of history of life.
* Mahavira(founder of jainism)and gautama buddha (founder of buddism) were contemporaries and flourished in india in the 6th century B.C.
* The three pyramids of eqypt were built from 2700 to 2500 B.C.,these are tombs of khufu,khafra and menkaura.
* The great wall of china was completed in 204 is 1500 miles long.Its average height is 25 feet and about 12 feet wide at the top.
* The city rome was founded in 753 B.C. by romolus.
* Christianity emerged as the distinct sect in the second half of the first century A.D.
* The light of islam dawned in the 7th century A.D. when in 611 A.D. The Holy Prophet of Islam Muhammad (P.B.U.H) announced the revelation from the one true Allah.
* The muslim rule of spain lasted from 711 to 1492 A.D.
* The earth is calculated to b 4540 million years old.
* The statue of liberty (newyork) was installed in 1886.It is 151 feet one inch high from the base to torch.
* The world is divided into 24 time zones,each 15` longtitude wide. the longitudinal meridian passing through greenwich,England is the starting point and is called the prime meridian.
* Christopher columbus discovered bahamas on 12 oct 1492 A.D.
* Ostrich is the largest bird in the world.
* Saudi Arabia is the largest exporter of oil in the world.
* The world famous golden gate bridge is located in San francisco(usa).
* Russia invaded afghanistan on dec 27,1979.
* Hongkong was returned to china on july 1,1997.
* Eritrea became an independent state on may 24,1993.
* The normal temperature of human body is 98.6 F.
* A billion contain 1000 million. It has 9 zeroes. similarly a trillion has 12 zeroes,a quadrillion 15 zeroes,a quintillion 18 zeroes and a decillion 33 zeroes.
* One inch is equal to 2.5400 cms and one mile is equal to 1.6093 kms.
* About half of the world population speaks indo-european languages. The Indo-European branch to which english belongs is germanic.
* Air is composed of nitrogen (78.08%),oxygen (20.95%),argon (0.94%) and carbon dioxide (0.03%).
* The original inhabitants of USA are known as Red Indians.
* Out of the 193 sovereign independent nations of the world 147 are republics and other 46 are under personal rules (14 kings,1 emperor,3 queens,7 hereditary sheikhs,1 grand duke,2 sultans,1 constitutional monarch etc).
* Gwadar became a part of pakistan on september 9,1958.
* All india mulim league was formulated on december 30,1906 and first president was Sir Agha Khan.
* Hygrometer is instrument used for measuring humidity of air.
* Heliscope is used for viewing the sun.
* Asian development bank was established in 1966 with headquarter located at manila(philipine)
* China has the largest population,russia has largest land area and vatican city has smallest population and land area in the world
* Afghanistan got independence on 19th aug 1919.
* Lord clive was the first and lord mountbatten was the last british ruler of india.
* Air conditioner invented by "willis H. carrier"u.s. in 1902.
* Camera(photographic) has been invented by "Joseph N. Niepce"france in 1822.
* Largest continent of the world is "asia" and smallest is "australia".Largest ocean of the world is "pacific ocean"and smallest ocean is "indian ocean".The Sahara is the largest desert of the world.
* Kazakhstan is the largest muslim country in landarea in the has an area of 1,049,000 sq.miles.Maldives is the smallest muslim country in land area of 115 sq. miles.
* Indonesia is the most populous muslim country and maldives is less populous muslim country.
* Antarctica is the uninhabited continent of the world which is without any regular population.
* Seoul (south korea) is the most populous city of the world.
* The lake baikal of russia has the maximum depth of 5315 feet.

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