Sunday, August 4, 2013

How to Draw John F Kennedy (JKF)

How to Draw John F Kennedy  (JKF) 
how to draw john f kennedy, jfk

How to Draw John F Kennedy, JFK

how to draw john f kennedy, jfk step 1


 Start by sketching out a circle for JFK's head and then add the facial guidelines. You will then draw out the arched line for his shoulders and then draw a vertical line within the torso shape that you just drew with one line.
how to draw john f kennedy, jfk step 2


 Next start sketching out the shape of his face line the jaw line and right cheek bone. Next sketch out the beginning lines for the eyes using the facial guidelines and then draw out the nose. You will now move to the next step.
how to draw john f kennedy, jfk step 3


 As you can see you will start sketching more of JFK's eyes out like the pupils and then add the shading on the side of his nose to detail and define his facial structure.
how to draw john f kennedy, jfk step 4


 Now, sketch out his mouth or lips and the shade them in. You will draw out the shape of his ear and then the shape of his neck, suit jacket, and under shirt or dress shirt collar line.
how to draw john f kennedy, jfk step 5


 What I want you guys to do now is sketch out his hair line and then start detailing his ear as well as sketching in some shading to define the ear. On the neck you will shade in some area's to give the effect of wrinkles or neck creases. Draw the collar of his suit shirt and then draw out the suit jacket.
how to draw john f kennedy, jfk step 6


 You are almost done with this lesson on how to draw JFK and what you will do is shade in his hair and then finish drawing out the shape of his head. You will add shading to his tie after you draw out out and then add some shading to the shirt collar.
how to draw john f kennedy, jfk step 7


 Here is where you will turn your drawing into a sketch. Lightly shade in all the areas that is covered in red but you will have to start erasing the guidelines and shapes first. After that is done you can move to the last step to see what your 35th president should look like.
how to draw john f kennedy, jfk step 8


 And here you have it. I hope you liked learning "how to draw John F. Kennedy JFK step by step". I had a blast and I will return soon.

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